Meraki (new work, 2013-present)

Meraki is the name of our beautiful property in Central Victoria. A hillside of granite boulders and gums, it is host to many creatures including ourselves. It is too early to label what kind of images will arise from being here, but so far – light, magic, reverence and wonder are themes.

  • Little Sweeper
    Little Sweeper
  • everything
  • Translation
  • Laniakea
  • Prepare to change
    prepare to change
  • Satsang
  • Richard Baxter Artist
  • Depth Of Field
    Depth Of Field
  • World Without End
    World Without End
  • 'Barn's burnt down, now I can see the moon'
    'Barn's burnt down, now I can see the moon'
  • Flying to school in the 1970s.
    Flying to school in the 1970s.
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• January 1, 2015

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