
These images are stereographic. To view them in 3D without special glasses, keep your head perfectly level and look at the space between the images and gradually cross your eyes until the two images become one. (There will be two blurry images either side in your peripheral vision) The resulting feeling of space is quite amazing and beautiful. You’ll also become aware of more detail in the 3D image than you noticed in the two 2D images. If you can’t get it, be patient, the result is worth it. Many people have difficulty doing this, but when your eyes finally click into place, the result is amazing and often surprising because seeing the separate 2D images often gives little clue about the depth that is revealed once they are seen in 3D. For beginners it might be easier if the images are viewed at a smaller size. These images are created either with 2 DSLR’s mounted side by side as in this photo, or with a Fuji 3D digital compact camera.


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• December 31, 2014

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